On Fresh Ogo......

    Ogonori also known as Ogo or Limu in Hawaii is a type of edible seaweed that is normally enjoyed cold. Low in calories, one pound of this type of seaweed contains about 45 calories. It also provides three times the amount of potassium than bananas and its a good source of trace minerals. Studies have shown that ogonori helps increase resistance to stress and fatigue. It offers a nice salty ocean taste with a crispy texture.
   On the big island people marinate it and add it to salads and fish dishes. I like to rinse it over running water to remove some of the salty flavor then toss it with some chilli flakes, sesame oil, soy sauce, lime juice and scallions. This can either be served by itself or tossed with seafood of any kind. At the restaurant we chop it and toss it into our table side poke.  We also use it as a bed for all our sashimi dishes. It's a healthy and beautiful looking ingredient and definitely fun to mess around with. We have a wide variety of seaweed available to us ranging in color and texture. 
