On persimmons....
Persimmons are edible fruits that are actually considered to be a berry varietal although seldom advertised as such. Their color can range from light yellow-orange to dark red-orange depending on the species and origin. They can be found in three distinct shapes which include spherical, acorn, or pumpkin shaped. When ripe the fruit has a high glucose content and the protein content is low, but such as it is, it has a balanced protein profile. There are seven types of persimmon found all throughout the world, these include the following: Japanese persimmon, sharon fruit from Israel, date plums native to Southeast Asia, the American persimmon, black persimmon from Mexico, the mabolo native to the Philippines, and the Indian persimmon. This fruit can be eaten fresh, dried, raw, or cooked. Although you can acquire them at anytime of the year, the season for them here in New York is mid autumn. Here are some American persimmons I received the other day......

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