On Grilled Bread+Crispy pork product+fried egg+ greens=recipe for succes
A fried egg is an amazing thing.......you can put it on any dish(almost any dish) and it will elevate it to another level. It was my favorite go to snack growing up at my moms house. Two of her staples were cooked rice and eggs,you can always count on them to be there for you in your time of need. I would either fry the rice and scramble some egg into it or steam the rice in the microwave and place a fried egg over the top. Regardless of my method of preparation, it was both filling and comforting.
This is an appetizer special I made the other day at the restaurant "Grilled sourdough crostini, with crispy la quecia prosciutto, farm egg, and arugula". (Grilled bread+Crispy pork product+Fried egg+greens=recipe for success) This equation is always there for me in my time of need.....its way up there with Einsteins equation of energy mass and the speed of light and the pythagorean theorem. I can always count on it when I dont have time to prepare a proper appetizer special. It's very simple in nature but packs complex and satisfying flavor profiles.
So basically it's a snazzed up bacon 'n egg on toast. Just needs a bit of ketchup on top.
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