On Garlic scapes
Garlic scape are one of the my favorite early summer produce. I can pretty much have it on anything. I would always see them at the farmers market and walk right pass them because they look like chinese long beans. I learned about these sprouts a year ago when some guys where doing a "what to do with this" demo at the Union Square Market.
If you don't know what they are, garlic scapes are curly sprouts that shoot from the top of hard neck garlic plants. Apparently these delicious morsels of food need to be cut as soon as they sprout, if left on the plant they begin to take nutrients from the bulb which prevents it from growing to its full potential. Its customary for people to throw the scape into the compost bin but in recent years they have become more and more popular at the local farmers market.
Garlic scapes have a slightly different flavor profile then garlic cloves, they for the most part are more peppery and less pungent. Its a very versatile ingredients it lends itself to various cooking techniques. One of my favorite of which is to char them lightly on the grill with olive oil, salt, and cracked pepper.You can use the scapes as you would regular garlic as well, you can roast it, slice it thin and put it in pasta,use it in marinades, blanch it and make a pesto, the possibilities are endless.
Like everything wonderful, garlic scapes are a fleeting, seasonal pleasure. If you can find some at your local farmers market do what you can to bring some home to play with.
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